We just left a congested Boulder parking lot, where one driver honked at another for a very long time and the other driver gave the one honking the finger. H. (9-year-old boy) said, “I think that honking driver needs to go to Miss Sherry’s office to learn how to deal with their anger issues.”
You are so good at what you do. I have heard so many times in my life, what you said today, from other counselors. But I never heard it as I heard it today. Today I heard it, and I get it, and it makes all the difference in how we proceed from here. — J.
I just wanted to thank you again … for not only all of your time lately, but also for the manner in which you carefully, thoughtfully, intelligently and lovingly offer your immense knowledge & wisdom in precisely the way you know I need to hear it. You are amazing. Truly. And I am so grateful. — J. Ps… things are going really well so far.. more later!
Thank you for your time with our family last evening, especially S. We all slept better, well sort of … I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your wisdom and skills that seem to be just what we need right now. See you next week.
I don’t want to give up coming to see you for some checkins for me. You have helped me tremendously and make me feel so much more strong and confident in my parenting skills. You have shown me the good things I am doing with my kids and have steered me the right way when I beat myself up over mistakes. I can’t tell you how much this means (I am tearing up thinking about it) because there have been a lot of forces in my life lately blowing the other direction (making me feel less confident and capable). I hear your voice in my head when I need to stay strong against the things that are not going right for A. :). Thanks again and see you Friday.
I just wanted to say thank you and I feel very fortunate that we found you in this search for a therapist for our daughter. Our meeting was so helpful for us as parents and we utilized the skill of having them tell on each other that night and finding a solution, and it went very well!!! Thank you for teaching us this and the other ways to handle their angry situations.
I also wanted to let you know that M. was listening. The troublesome group of kids were cornering her in gym class. She did not retaliate but rather got help. She came home that night and told me EVERYTHING!! It was a great moment for all of us.
I just had to tell you these things while I had them on my mind. Again, thank you for your expertise and I look forward to our continued meetings.
Thanks Sherry for the info and for staying in communication; the work you are doing is so important. — Kind Regards, School Social Worker
Hi Sherry, A quick testimonial for you: So many years ago I sent my son to your Secrets of Friendship class. The experience was pivotal for him, and even today he will fall back to the skills he learned from you in tough situations. I encourage every parent to invest in your class for their children as I believe the dividends pay out for their whole lives, and especially during the tween and teen years. Blessings to you, B.
Here’s what I remember about you Sherry: You treat people the way you want to be treated. MK said that everyone has a sign around their neck that says: “Make me feel important” and that’s the way you made me feel. Thank you for that. I‘ve been on your email list a long time, and I read them.
That’s my Sherry story. You have a secret admirer in me! I look forward to reconnecting at some point. — T.
Hi Sherry, I hope you are well! I just wanted to send you an email to thank you for the help you gave us. I know our time together was short and I’m sure there was plenty more you wanted to work on with us, but A. is doing really well. I truly thank you for giving us the push to take him out of (school name) and let him try our public junior high. I remember sitting in your office and thinking, “I’ll never take him out, I worked way too hard to get him in!” But in the end, it really was the best option for him. There were a lot of influences and things that were not available to him there, he had to navigate his way through that.
The 2nd best piece of advice you gave me was to not make his problems my problems. To let him fall on his face if necessary. And I did. It was hard, it took a lot of letting go and learning to make him feel the responsibility for things he had done. Not only did he see the weight of his decisions, but I no longer lose sleep over it or carry the weight on my shoulders. He made it through 8th grade a lot wiser, able to say no to his peers and excited for high school. He’s receiving A’s so far in High School, going out for the baseball team and just plain happy. Our relationships at home have been great. We’re able to talk things through and we make time for one-on-one dinners often. I’m fully aware that we still have a long way to go and things could always change, but I think we’ll be able to handle what comes our way. Thank you again for your help, I’m grateful that it was your name I chose and for the advice you gave us.
— Sincerely, G.
Sherry, Thank you so much for putting together such a great presentation for us! As the feedback shows, you did a great job! You offered us an informative, relational, and humorous (so important, in my opinion) experience. I was so happy to walk away with several tools that I know I will use with my son and a great reminder to pause more often, myself! Thank you again! — A.
He’s actually been doing great. No tantrums anymore, doing pretty awesome. He’s been having a hard time listening lately, but I chalk that up to being 7. I am trying to focus on not being outright negative when dealing with behaviors. He seems to really internalize any negative comments from us, but it’s been an uphill battle. Otherwise, still trying to work on building self sufficiency/ confidence. Everything just plugging along …!
Hi Sherry, Just wanted to let you know that we are doing really well. Both boys have a good start to the school year. Thank you so much for your help this summer! I really do think our sessions were good for K. Your interventions were good, and I think just something about our sessions together were therapeutic for him (knowing that he has support). — E.
Hi Sherry – Thank you for following up with us. The boys have both been doing really well after their class – it has been wonderful to have some tools to use when conflicts arise. Thank you so much – you are a great resource for us and I have also shared your class information with several friends who are interested. Thanks so much!
Hi Sherry, Thank you so very much for doing such a great job with L.! We are truly grateful for all your talents, consideration and hard work. We feel our time with you has been incredibly beneficial! Our time with you has been very successful, and we know we will most likely continue working with you throughout L.’s youth. Again thanks so much for all you’ve done! — T.
Hi Sherry, I got your email and it reminded me to email you about S. She is doing awesome!! You really helped us a lot. I will likely be calling you at various times in the future when we need to touch base about things. She has blossomed since, she is kinder and more open to others and I think she is just doing great. She seems much happier as well. I hope you are doing well! Thanks again, — M.
Hi Sherry, I have been thinking about you and your helpful work with us earlier this year. We did revise the positive award system at the school, very similar to what you proposed. We are looking ahead to next year, and trying to put some framework in place to help J. recognize his triggers and have a plan for dealing with them.
Since starting school again after the break, J. has been able to refrain from aggression. We are working on showing appropriate respect to authority. Thanks much, and hoping all is well with you, — D.
Sherry! I have heard from a few people that you are the best specialist they’ve worked with over the years. The most recent was W.’s mom. I am also good friends with S. and have heard that her teenage son really likes working with you.
Sherry, Thank you so much for sharing your letter you wrote for us. It was very powerful and we all appreciate your time in putting it together. The school year is starting on very solid ground. We all have grown so much in our communication skills to each other and taking care of ourselves. Thank you for all the skills you have given us!! Please know that if you ever need us as a reference for your services we would be more than happy to share our positive experience!!
Thanks, Sherry! You are just amazing and I’m so glad we were referred to you. You’ve given us so many tools in just a few sessions, and they work really well.
12 year old male in conversation with parent after Friendship Workshop:
Parent: How was it?
Son: Really fun. It was great.
Parent: What made it so great?
Son: Sherry. She’s awesome (highly unusual praise coming from him about an adult).
Parent: Oh? What’s so cool about her?
Son: Some people just are. She’s like that.
I really feel you are brilliant and have really been of help and support to our family.
— Mother of 10 year old son.
You are such a blessing! Thank you for your help with our sons.
— Father of 5 & 7 year olds.
Thank you Sherry, and I am VERY glad that you are part of our “village.”
— T.
The EMDR really seems to be a great fit. We had a great talk after his last session. You have really made a huge difference.
— Mother of 15 yr old and 10 yr old sons.
Calling you is the best call I’ve ever made. Thank you so much for all you’ve done to help our family. Things are so much better now.
— Mother of 3 young children
Sherry has an amazing ability to make people feel comfortable and at ease while having fun and learning.
— Lynn, Dean of Middle School Students
My son really appreciated your class. It also meant a lot to him that I cared enough about his friendships to send him. This class gave us a safe territory to talk about his friendships and a language to use.
— Bob, father of 9 year old
Since our daughter completed the Friendship class, she has been so much nicer to me. I’ve been amazed.
— Annette, mother of a 7 year old
Dear Miss Lewis,
I’d like to tell you thanks for what you’ve done for me this year. You really cared about me and helped me out a lot. You were a good listener when I came with tears running down my face. You made me laugh when I felt blue. You helped me succeed with my goals, like not cutting, facing my problems, talking about my feelings and how I feel about the situation. You made me realize that there is more to life than being depressed all the time, and there is more than being angry at the whole world. You also helped me to control my anger by relaxing my mind and cooling myself down. I’ve been using my coping skills when I need them. You made me feel like I was normal to the world and to other people. The greatest thing you taught me is to believe in myself.
— Yours truly, A (age 16)
You are the most helpful, caring, understanding person I know. If I didn’t know I had you to go to, I don’t know what I would do. Thanks so much.
— Brian, 16
Thank you for this class. It’s taught me so much.
— Bryony, 17
You changed my life around. I still have my bad habits, but nobody’s perfect, especially me. Thanks for everything.
— Tiffany, 16
Thanks for all you have done. You have really giving me a lot to think about and come to resolution to what has happened in the past. I hope that I can continue down this path of healing and will be a better person because of what I have learned from you.
— A Mom, age 48
Thank you so much for your time. You are a wealth of information.
— Lauren
Dear Sherry, What a pleasure it was to have you as a guest speaker. Your passion and enthusiasm are so apparent. Thank you.
— Robin
This was the best inservice I’ve ever taken … Great job teaching!
— Linda
Sherry, you put your heart into your work and have made excellent progress with challenging kids. Your kids respond well to you. The creativity in your approach works well. You are a wealth of knowledge and a great resource. On many occasions, you’ve gone above and beyond.
— Jennifer, clinical supervisor
I’ve learned so much from you that I can apply to all areas of my life. You are a wonderful teacher.
— Tara, age 15
You have changed my life for the better, more than anyone else, except my mom.
— Alyssa, age 13
Thank you for your generosity. Also a little reminder that you are an inspiration.
— Megan
You are such a generous and caring woman. Thank you for allowing me into my life. I appreciate your support and advice.
— Amy
Dear Sherry, I’m sorry this is so late coming to you, but I did want you to know how much I appreciated you taking time out to talk to me so long ago when I was in such pain. You really did help me and it meant so much to me! Your kindness is a gift! Thanks again,
— Susie
I wanted to say thank you for the help you gave me, W., and my family. I often do feel like I am stuck in a maze, and you helped guide me to see that W. does have ASD. It is just one step in a million in this walk through life, but it was a BIG one for me! All the best,
— Michele
Thank you for your generosity. I think the world of you. I can’t tell you how many counselors we’ve been through. I stopped wanting to go. But you’re awesome.
— Anonymous
This is a great class. Don’t shy away after taking it once. It’s boring the first day, but it’s totally worth it in the end. Things I learned: Don’t just act like you care – it doesn’t work. Make people feel like you care! Also, I learned that trying to fit in shouldn’t be necessary with true friends. If you need to change at all to be accepted by your friends, they’re not real friends. This class isn’t like the others. Give it a try. You’ll be glad you did.
— Sarah
Dear Sherry Lewis, I would like to tell thanks for what you have done for me and your other kids that you have seen this year. To tell you the truth, you are the only therapist that really cared about me, because for half of my life growing up, it was always full of therapists trying to help me with my sickness. But they didn’t want to deal with me, so they just ignored me and mostly told me that I “had some anger problems.” Sherry, you became my favorite therapist – not only just a therapist but a great friend! You were a good listener when I came running to you with tears running down my face! You would make me laugh every time I was feeling blue. For my goals on my treatment plan, I have grown so much this year. I did succeed by working on my goals like not cutting, no drugs, facing my problems and talking about my feelings and how I feel about the situation. You have made me realize that there is more to life than being depressed all the time and there is more to life than being angry at the whole world. Also you have helped me to control my anger by relaxing my mind and cooling myself down. I’ve been using my coping skills when I need them. Me and the other kids love it when you’re here at the school, you make us feel like we’re normal to the world and to other people. The greatest thing you have taught me is to believe in myself, and what people say to me is nothing because I am a better person to myself!
— Yours truly, A.S.
Excellent! I have given your name to the Autism and Asperger’s Support Coordinator who was interested in social skills options. There is a great demand for your services for special needs kids.
— J.W.
I learned how to talk to children and not be the drill sergeant. I’ve learned to be patient.
– M.J.
I really learned a lot! Even though the class was on a Monday, Sherry made it flow nice and easy. Thanks!!
— C.R.
I feel the best thing I’ve learned is to let the children have some control. Also choices, and keeping the relationship intact. I teach a pre-K class, and this class has made a huge impact. Also I’ve been using it in my home with great results.
— H.E.
You are an excellent instructor who has a great way with both kids and parents. Great, simple set of techniques.
— J.R.
I actually think learning basic social skills is great, as you do it. Would be a wonderful thing to see in the school system! Ruthie very much enjoyed going to class and I picked up some suggestions to use with her.
— R.D.
You helped me tremendously during some of my school crises with my daughter.
– A Parent.
It is my good fortune to have picked so wisely seven years ago when I picked you from the ten people i talked to. You always tell me to trust myself and I’m glad I did when I met you.
– A Parent.
You’re helping us see what we didn’t see. You’re good at what you do.
– A Client
I feel we’ve come a lot further in this last year of seeing you, than in many years before with other therapists.
– A Client